How love spoke to me

​She spoke to me without words.

Every heartbeat, every day she lived I felt her existence.

Yet she never spoke one word to me.

She was a muse to my lips, though I said not a word,

The words moved within me.

Traveling as the fresh oxygenated blood travels from the heart to the left atrium, to the left ventricle, to the aorta. It moved life in me. Yet she has never spoke a word to me. Her silence stirred an ardor in me that is felt and so deeply manifested within words cannot speak it.

Pyrope Garnet

​Digging, digging deep. locked in her as the treasures are trapped in the deep sea, my cold front warmed the heat of the opening of her treasures, becoming my instant pleasures. Engaging against her wet gold, my entry felt as the violent winds of the arctic waters, lips pressing ferocious yet pleasantly, tongue tasting the every sweet and ripe fruit of the opening of her wet glistening fortune. My riches hath been restored my lady of gold have returned and my heart is made rich again. I held her as a nun held her virginity, i entered her light as the dying soul leaves the body, she made me prosper in my pursuit of the power of her wealth. I will never leave this treasure island again